Services and IoT solutions

Today our transmission benefits from this technological advance and proposes connected solutions dedicated to transmission line-specific issues. Our partners will save time and gain peace of mind knowing that our IoT solutions will facilitate daily monitoring and maintenance actions and guarantee a high quality electrical service for the final user. Monitoring, analysis and data management, software/mobile application, multiple features.

Advanced digital platform service

Operated in SaaS mode hosted on our or your data centers, is our dedicated digital solution to monitor connected products installed to cover different applications:
Solar farms: Maintain a high level of production thanks to real time monitoring and analysis of each string production.
Revenue protection: Increase the level of billing by a monitoring and localization of the losses (Technical and Non-technical).  
Line monitoring: Improve the LV and MV electricity line monitoring thanks to real time alerts coming from various types of sensors (Fault detectors, surge arrester sensors, pole sensors, line sensors, …)
The platform can collect data from sensors using different protocols and communication standards (MQTTs, Modbus, LoRaWAN, 2G, 3G, 4G, NB-IoT, BLE 5.0, etc).

Vibration Monitoring Solutions

Objectives of vibration monitoring 

Determine the cause of visible fatigue damage on a conductor, identify/characterize the level and phenomena of vibration, evaluate the probability of future fatigue damage in the conductor, evaluate the performance/efficiency of the conductor and all damping systems, correlation/verification between laboratory testing/analytical/field testing, from real data measured to estimated timelife conductor.

Measurement in real time

Level of communication RSSI between sensor and GW graphic of raw data from sensors and weather stations depending on the time presented in the IoT platform.

Frequency (z-axis) and RMS acceleration (y-axis) for each sensor: graphics of raw data depending of time presented in the IoT platform.

All graphics of mechanical, post-processing values to evaluate the vibration phenomena like fymax, deformation and oscillation in the IoT platform.