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CATU Maintenance

CATU offers suitable solutions for maintaining and checking your equipment as part of an annual contract or on an ad hoc basis.


In terms of safety, the general provisions of the Labor Code indicate a number of rules on the use and maintenance of means of protection in order to ensure the safety and health of workers (Art 233-5-1).

Maintaining safety equipment in compliance.

An obligation specified in the article: R-233-90

“The work equipment referred to in 1 °, 2 ° 3 °, 4 ° and 5 ° of article R233-83 and the means of protection referred to in 1 ° and 3 ° of article R233-83-2 making 'object of use in an establishment referred to in article L231-1 must be maintained in compliance with the technical rules which were respectively applicable to them when they were put into service in the establishment. "

For the electrical field, the safety rules defined by standard NF C 18-510 described in its appendix C the specifications and terms of use of the electrical safety equipment used during the main operations.

Public liability.
Decree No. 88-1056 article 53 § IV: “The head of the establishment must have periodic checks carried out by persons belonging or not to the establishment and having in-depth knowledge in the field of risk prevention due to electricity and related regulatory provisions. ”
Have your equipment checked!

CATU can take care of the maintenance and verification of the following equipment:



Personal protective equipment 

Your equipment will be checked according to regulatory procedures adapted to each family of products.


As part of regular maintenance we take care of:





The CATU test laboratory accredited by COFRAC deploys a complete set of equipment allowing the electrical and mechanical checks required for your products:


Xavier Lebec
Phone: +33 (0)1 42 31 46 85
Fax: +33 (0)1 42 31 46 45

Latif Ozmen
Phone: +33 (0)1 42 31 46 86
Fax: +33 (0)1 42 31 46 45